La llamativa reacción de la abuela de Stephanie Demner al enterarse del embarazo

La llamativa reacción de la abuela de Stephanie Demner al enterarse del embarazo

Earl this week, Stephanie Demner announced that she will be a mother with Guido Pella and, happy and happy, they prepare for the arrival of Arianna.Through his Instagram profile, where he reaps more than one million followers, the influencer showed the reaction of his family when he heard the news.

After telling how the tennis player's parents broke in tears, Stephanie revealed the striking reaction of ‘Shu Shu’, his grandmother.In a carrying, Demner put a photo of the ultrasound and wrote ‘Hello grandparents and great -grandmother’.Seeing her, the lady did not realize and passed the postcard to her son.

Quickly, Stefi's dad broke into tears and approached to congratulate his daughter in front of the look of ‘Shu shu’, who after a few minutes learned what was happening: “It can't be!This is the best thing that happened to me ".

La llamativa reacción de la abuela de Stephanie Demner al enterarse del embarazo

When Stephanie and Guido approached to greet her and receive the news with her, the future great -grandmother exclaimed, surprised: "Now I'm going to have to do my teeth!".

La llamativa reacción de la abuela de Stephanie Demner al enterarse del embarazo. Foto: Instagram

The first name of Stephanie Demner and Guido Pella's daughter

Although with the news of pregnancy the influencer and the tennis player reported that the girl will be called Arianna, that was not the first option for future parents.

“Guido was excited that he wanted a baby, so before knowing sex we went and bought a clothes for the baby.The amount of things that Arianna already has! ”, Explained Stephanie Demner, who added:" The original name was Martina.We said Martu, but when we confirmed that it was a girl we decided to look for more options and fell in love with Ari ”.
