Christmas as displaced and hoping to be asylum

Christmas as displaced and hoping to be asylum

Juarez: shelter and uncertainty

We talk to migrant women who are in the migrant house in the largest Chihuahuan city, the common denominator: survival and strength to protect their children.People who live in this installation with multiple buildings for rooms, a chapel and a large patio where the days under the hard sun of the desert spend, hoping that one day their case allows them to access the United States as asylum as asylum.

It was almost time for food, 1:30 pm, in a dining room for about 80 people simultaneously, 211 people currently live in the shelter, including men, women and children.A group of 10 women are responsible for serving Christmas food: turkey, pasta and potato puree. Entre ellas seis son michoacanas, dos más del estado de Guerrero y otro par de Guatemala.

La Ruana, Nueva Italia, Ciudad Hidalgo, Apatzingán, en el estado de Michoacán son los lugares de origen de estas mujeres y sus familias. "Me tuve que esconder con mis hijos en un arroyo cuando llegaron los hombres armados, se querían llevar a mi hijo.My girl has diabetes because of the scares of being in shootings, when we had to flee from my house I left the insulin and all the treatments she needs, she suffered a diabetic coma and I had to take it to Morelia, "said a 38 woman of 38years, whom we will call 'Monica' with eyes full of tears that wet their covers while remembered his departure from Michoacán.

Navidad como desplazado y con la esperanza de ser asilado

'Esperanza' is a woman of more than 50 years, with deep green eyes, who when reliving what led her to leave the town where she was born and made a life, could not contain the crying and anger of impunity."They lifted my son at 3 pm on a Saturday and they returned it to me before the dawn on Sunday, beaten and threatened him. Yo no sabía que pensar, cuatro años antes se llevaron a mi esposo, nunca supimos que pasó con él. Nos dijeron que no lo buscáramos, que no nos convenía".

"I came with my husband and my boy, they wantedIn Juarez waiting for answers to be careful in the neighboring country.

"It is worse if you complaint, the police see it as a disobedience, there (Michoacán) those who send are (crime) and it is worse if you complain.The government is totally with criminals, "they said among them complementing the story of what the region faces.

"Hace muchos meses que no se nada de mi mamá", relata 'Irma' una chica guatemalteca de 19 años que salió de una localidad cercana a Quetzaltenango."One day they arrived (the criminals) and threatened my family, I had to leave.Now I'm here waiting for me to let me go with my dad who is in Florida, United States, "he said while crying.
