The return to school will involve an expense of 36% more per child

The return to school will involve an expense of 36% more per child

The return to school is an important disbursement during these next months for Spanish families.The biggest expenses during this time are those concerning school material, clothing and footwear.

At the beginning of the course that is presupposed entirely face -to -face, depending on the development of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Cetelem Observatory has prepared a budget on how much these expenses will amount.The figures show a fairly considerable increase for this school year.

Increase of up to 36 % in spending

According to the results obtained by the Cetelem Observatory, each Spanish home will suffer an increase in school starting spending of 36 % more than in 2020.This expense is estimated at a figure close to 313 euros per boy and girl.In fact, it is 38 % greater than the same period before the pandemic in 2019, when the average expenditure was at 226 euros.

The study reveals that up to 65 % of Spanish households do not intend to make any additional disbursements, compared to 59 % of the year 2020.In spite of this, up to 21 % of the people surveyed, five percentage points compared to 2020, do have the intention of performing an extra expense compared to previous years.The percentage of people who will believe that they will carry out an expense below 2020.

 La vuelta al cole supondrá un gasto del 36% más por niño

4 out of 10 people consider that they will make a content cost of up to 100 euros.On the other hand, 15 % confirms that they believe that the expenses will be above 500 euros, an estimated expense greater than in the return to school of previous years.

In response to consumption habits, almost half of the respondents confirms that they continue with the same purchase routines, ensuring that they will continue to opt for physical stores as it had been doing before the pandemic.However, 29 % of respondents confirm that they will opt for online purchases due to pandemic itself.From online buyers, 23 % already made their purchases online before the pandemic, which represents an increase of 4 % compared to 2020.

The products with the greatest demand in this school start do not change compared to previous years, the main school material, books and clothing being the main.However, in the case of school supplies and books become a purchase percentage of 53 % and 48 %, respectively, with an increase of 6 % compared to 2020.In the case of clothing, 43 % to 48 %.

Although the vaccination campaign advances with great success, the spending on mask and gels also increases the total budget in the return to school, already assuming 18 % of the expenses for school products.
